The reference manual is available online or can be downloaded in HTML and PDF format from the SWI-Prolog website, which also provides links to books, online tutorials and other Prolog related material.Ħ The SWI-Prolog community and foundation This is by no means a manual or Prolog tutorial. This document briefly explains the MacOS X specific issues for SWI-Prolog.

Visual Prolog is made by the company PDC.SWI-Prolog for MacOS X from: Installation Screen but its nice to read it in advance You can install these examples again and again, so do not worry about experimenting with them. You can install these examples from the IDE, just press Help -> Install Examples. In the distribution there is a number of example programs. And, of course, you are also invited to contribute your own tips, etc. You will find a lot of interesting information in the Visual Prolog Tips, How To's, Code Samples, etc.

You are also welcome to join Visual Prolog discussion forum and seek assistance or share your knowledge in the Visual Prolog Discussion forums. The Help system is available from the Integrated Development Environment. This Help is reference material rather than tutorial, meaning that it is not a good place to learn Visual Prolog, but it is a very good place to seek answers to specific questions. Prolog Foundation Classes (PFC) reference documentation.Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Help.The Language Reference that describes the syntax and semantics of the Visual Prolog language.

Once you are familiar with the concepts and principles, you also can use reference material from the following sections of the Help system:

Hello World! Video Tutorial covers basic IDE functionality.Other tutorials discuss the Visual Prolog Integrated Environment (IDE) and various Visual Prolog language features. The tutorials in the Fundamental Visual Prolog section describe differences between Visual Prolog and traditional Prolog, and introduce a program that is developed in Visual Prolog. No matter what prerequisites you have, it is a good idea to read the tutorials.